發文作者:Joyful Element | 9 七月, 2010

送給自己的生日禮物:CASIO Privia 電子數位鋼琴 Birthday present for myself: Digital Piano CASIO Privia

Casio Privia PX-730想要有一台電子數位鋼琴的想法已經好幾年了,雖然小時候學過一點電子琴(雙層琴鍵+腳踏bass的那種),不過後來出國後就中斷了。一直到大學時,在朋友家 (幾乎每個朋友家都有耶…) 接觸到鋼琴,又重新愛上鋼琴層次分明的音色,即使家裡沒琴練習時,自己也跑去學了幾堂課,也真是充滿莫名的積極。工作後所租的小套房也沒空間放部琴,因此一直以來想要有部琴的奢求就沉寂在心裡的某個角落,直到…

It has been many years since my first idea of getting a digital piano. When I was little, I have learned to play electone (synthesizer with three keyboards: two manuals and a pedal board), but the learning stopped when I moved to NZ. Then at the time I was in university, most of my friends have piano at home, I was keen on watching them play and was attracted by the broad range of tones produced by this instrument. It is probably physically less engaging than electone, though still requiring considerable dexterity and coordination of hands, ears and a foot. I even went to attend some piano lessons with no piano for practice at home. It was until then I had the thought for getting a piano to play at leisure. However, the idea never turned into reality until…

CASIO PX-730電鋼琴

在好市多網上所訂購的CASIO PX-730電鋼琴,兩天後就到了!

The Digital Piano CASIO Privia PX-730 I ordered from Costco.ca two days ago has finally arrived!!




CASIO PX-730電鋼琴


It took few hours to finish putting it all together…



掀開琴蓋瞬間…The moment of revealing the piano keys...

完工! 掀開琴蓋瞬間… Done! The moment of revealing the piano keys…

簡潔的琴鍵 The 88 keys down to its last detail

簡潔的琴鍵 The 88 keys down to its last detail

The song I played for the birthday were:

  1. 『淚的卡農』

    Pachelbel Canon Of Tear
    Canon is one of my favourite classical music at all time. It has a compelling melody, despite its rhythmic simplicity. The tempo of the piece was moderately slow, and its symmetrical stepwise notes with repetitive chord (C-G-Am-Em-F-C-F-G) suit my playing ability as a beginner.


  2. 『絢香おかえり』 (Okaeri 的日語意思是” 歡迎回來”是家裡人對回家的人的應答)

    Ayaka – Okaeri (The Japanese “Okaeri “ means “Welcome home”. The common phrase people use to greet someone when they are back home)
    This is the main theme of the Japanese drama “Zettai Kareshi” (Absolute Boyfriend). At the time I watched this romantic comedy, I was impressed by this piece which fits the scenes just right. It gives the warm-hearted home sweet home feeling when it was sang by Ayaka (Japanese female singer). However, I prefer playing the notes at the slower tempo, to express the bittersweet feeling of the song, as well as the sympathetic moments in the drama.

Casio Privia PX-730 電子鋼琴


I considered quite a few factors when getting this new instrument:

  • 音色 Quality of Sound
  • 琴鍵 Weighted Key
  • 功能 Functionality
  • 空間 Dimension
  • 價位 Price

音色與琴鍵 Quality of Sound & Weighted Key

It has been many years that professional piano players and teachers would not recommend using digital keyboard for novice players in practicing and skill development due to its lack of quality in sound and unweighted keys. This would impact the performance of player when they get to play on the acoustic piano. However, this situation may not be the same with the advent of digital piano in the recent decades.

In the new Privia model by Casio, thanks to the new Linear Morphing AiF sound source technology, it delivers a grand piano sound with seamless transitions and a superior dynamic range without any distortion. It no longer requires regular maintenance with sound tuning in contrast with traditional acoustic piano. Because the sound quality has passed a certain threshold, therefore it is now even accepted by the professional players*.

In addition, the new Privia digital pianos feature a new Tri-Sensor 88-note scaled hammer action keyboard. It is a weighted keyboard that provides more resistance at the lower end and the keys are lighter as you move towards the top. An authentic piano touch such as this allows repeated playing of notes without having to return the key completely to the unweighted position.

功能 Functionality

數位鋼琴的另一項強項就是多功能。除了有時尚、古典的鋼琴音色可以選擇,它還有內建其他16種音色 (如:電子琴、電顫琴、爵士管風琴、弦樂器、貝士 等等)、60首demo名曲、節拍器、和使用USB與電腦的連接功能。

Another advantage of digital piano is that it provides wide range functionality. Apart from Grand Piano (Modern, Classic) tones, there are many build in tones such as elec piano, vibraphone, Jazz Organ, String, Bass…etc. It contains 60 Music Library tunes for demonstration, digital metronome and can be connected to a computer with USB interface.

空間 Dimension

In comparison with traditional piano, the digital piano was lightweight and compact.

價位 Price

有天,在逛Costco (好市多) 時有注意到一部在特賣的琴:CASIO PX-130 賣CAD$599.55+Tax,當時沒想太多,先拍照記錄下來,隔了幾週後想再去看看時發現已經沒有現貨了,只好從網路下單,不過卻發現另一款琴大特價: CASIO PX-730,相較 PX-130規格高了幾階,卻也只賣近CAD$700 和之前CASIO PX-130特賣時同價。只能說真的太幸運了。

I was going after Casio PX-130 with $599.55+Tax at the first time I visited the Costco. However, I was still researching around so did not get it on the spot. When I visited Costco the second time, Casio PX-130 was already sold out, so I could only place the order online via costco.ca. To my surprise, costco.ca had another digital piano sale for a slightly different (advanced) model: Casio PX-730 with the same price. I recon it was really a bang for the buck bargain.

簡單樸素的琴房 This is the room that I use for music playing~

總結 Worth it?

我可以很高興地說,今年我送給了自己一個最棒的生日禮物 Note

So if you ask whether the digital piano is really worth it getting, and better than acoustic piano? I would say for the price, if offers more than I would expect as a novice piano player. I also like to play around with different tones other than piano and have it connected with the computer for MIDI editing. Even though digital piano is catching up, there is no doubt that the acoustic piano has a better sound quality (for those ones that can distinguish the difference). The bottom line is, when approaching a piece of music “if I didn’t know how this music was created, would I still enjoy the sound it is making?”

All in all, I am glad that I have bought myself a great birthday present Note



Casio PX730 Privia Black Cherry Living Room Animate

Privia 電子鋼琴 官網 Official Site

*如Amazon.com上面有位32年來彈過數百台鋼琴的專業演奏家對於Casio Privia 電子鋼琴讚不絕口,並肯定它的音色。


Privia 電子鋼琴日系介紹片


PX-730 前一代的日系廣告


CASIO New Privia Series (PX-130, PX-330, PX-730, PX-830) Product Demo

