發文作者:Joyful Element | 30 一月, 2012

旅行紀念品:DIY 手工捕夢網製作 Make your own Dream Catcher



From one of the most beautiful stories in American Indian Mythology, Sioux Nation believed the following…

“It is said that both good dreams and bad dreams circulate in the night air. The loop, its centre woven in a web-like pattern, allows the good dreams to pass through the web into the sleeper, but makes bad dreams become entangled in the web, where they perish at the first light of dawn.”



Another variation of the story is:

“Nightmares pass through the holes and out of the window. The good dreams are trapped in the web, and then slide down the feathers to the sleeping person.”

Regardless of the version of the story, the result guarantees the sleeper would have a sweet dream at night.

圈環中編織的網,就是捕夢網,英文為:Dream Catcher. 通常用柳枝來做框,中間編織著網,再用私人或神聖的物件來裝飾它 (例如:羽毛或串珠)。

The loop with centre woven web-like is known as "Dream Catcher" today. Usually handmade with willow hoop and a woven web in the centre. It is is then decorated with personal and sacred items such as feathers and beads.











捕夢網在北美的紀念品店,有時候會看的到。種類有大有小,網的編織方式和裝飾的花樣非常多變化。Handmade Dream Catcher sometimes can be seen in North American souvenir shops. It is crafted in many variations in terms of the different woven web patterns and decorations.

去年年底到黃刀鎮看極光時,特別帶回來一樣「非成品」的紀念品:捕夢網DIY製作的材料。When I went to Aurora viewing in Yellowknife last year, I bought a dream catcher making kit.


For the handmade craft like Dream Catcher, I felt that if we could be in the process of making one, you will have a greater sense of accomplishment. It could potentially be a good gift as well. This DIY kit is for everyone who’s hasn’t done it before but interested in making your own craft. There is no prior experience is required~

Within the kit, it contains:

  • 鐵環 Ring
  • 皮革條Hide Strip
  • 皮革帶Hide Tie
  • 線 Thread
  • 大的有孔珠 Large Silver Beads
  • 有孔小珠 Small Silver Beads
  • 羽毛 Feathers

  • 還包含一張有英文和法文的捕夢網手工製作說明書。 There is an bilingual instruction sheet in both English and French.




Step 1: The Ring

Take strip of hide and glue one end to the ring. Begin wrapping ring. When you reach the beginning piece of hide, overlap ends and glue. Cut off excess hide. The excess will make your hanger and bottom ties.

外環被皮革條包覆住完成的樣子。The completed ring with the wrapping hide.



外圈環節點 Outer Hitches

從說明書正面的圖示可以看到,細線須先在環上打個結固定,線拉緊後,每隔一吋 (2.54 cm) 在鐵環上再打一個環節。完成後外圈會有 12 個環節點。

小提醒:剛開始用線在鐵環上固定捕夢網最外圈位置時,有時會很難掌握每個環節之間所需要的空間。這時可利用皮革條環繞鐵環的圈數來當作一個參考點。在當時製作時,這裡也花了一段時間摸索,最後才決定每隔 3 個皮革條環帶,用線打一個環節固定。雖然說明書是說每隔一吋打一個環節,不過還是可以根據自己的需求,平均的分配外圈環節點的位置。

內圈環節 Inner Hitches


當越接近內圈時難度越高,圈也會越小。附上的細線可以完成約 10 個內圈。在約第 4 圈開始時,可以把有孔小珠節在線上。

Step 2: Making the Web

Tie end of thread to top centre of wrapped ring. Tie half-hitches in evenly spaced intervals (about 1 inch apart). Make sure to keep the thread tight all the time. It should make 12 loops.

Start the second row by making a half-hitch in the centre of the 1st loop on the ring. Loop will get smaller towards the centre. Do about ten full rounds. (On about round four add your bead)


Making the Dream Catcher web requires attention on the tension of the thread, shape of the web and constantly tracking the number of loops. As you weaving towards the centre of the web, the working space becomes very limited, and to make half-hitches between these tiny holes were the tests on your patience and determination.


When it comes to weaving the half-hitch on the tiny web, it is suggested to pull the thread of the target location to make the extra space for the main thread, then bend the thread, have the bent thread "slip" through the hole.

捕夢網手工製作步驟三: 捕夢網的收尾


Step 3: Finishing the Web

Pull thread firmly to tighten web. Tie off tightly with several half-hitches in the last loop. Cut off excess thread. This method will normally cause the centre of the Web to form a small bulb. Alternatively, I prefer leave the inner circle of the Web alone, so it is visually symmetrical to the outer ring of the dream catcher. This is yet another variation for your reference.

When I was about to finish the Web, the thread’s condition deteriorated and began to split.

也利用了別針來幫忙穿針引線… (建議有老花眼症狀的話別輕易嘗試…XD)
A pin was used to help guide the thread into the tiny holes in the inner loop of the Web.

This is the core of Dream Catcher when Web weaving task has completed.

捕夢網手工製作步驟四: 捕夢網的底部裝飾

將剩下的皮革條在外環底部打一個 lark’s head (Cow hitch) 結,再把兩段皮革條各剪一刀,就變成四段皮革條。這時把大的有孔珠繫在羽毛上方,之後再一起黏到皮革條底部。

Step 4: Decoration at Bottom

Take some of remaining hide and make a lark’s head knot at the bottom of the Dream Catcher. Cut the strips in two leaving you four ties. Put two (one) bead (s) per tie then glue in feathers.

捕夢網手工製作步驟五: 捕夢網的吊繩製作


Step 5: Making the Hanger
Take remaining hide and tie at top of Dream Catcher for hanger.

自製捕夢網是不是很簡單/困難呢?完成後的捕夢網可以掛在床頭上方,給自己帶來好夢。有興趣自己 DIY 的人可以嘗試~

Has it been easy / difficult? The resulting Dream Catcher can be hung above the bed, and used as a charm to protect sleeping person from nightmares. Wouldn’t you want to give it a try?

Source of Information
The instructions and information above for making your own dream catcher is based on the DIY kit product instruction manual from
Monague Native Crafts


  1. Quiet interesting sharing, I do have one which I bought 12 years ago and I still keep it as decoration in my room

  2. 羨慕啊 能自己動手不論自用或是送人都非常有意義

    • 謝謝你~有些東西自己動手做的確會再添加些成就感,有機會可以試試。:)

      • 去哪里买材料

  3. 请问材料哪里买得到啊?我也想自己做一个~ ><

    • 我想請問材料哪裡可以買


      • 不好意思,網友大家問在哪裡可以買到的這問題,我也一直無法找到很好的答案。

        上面所介紹的是 Monague 捕夢網DIY Kit 包,旅遊回來後自己也找了一陣子,但沒找到,只能說可遇不可求。因為要找到代理這捕夢網品牌的店家不容易,除了之前在加拿大的黃刀鎮上見到過,之後也在也沒機會買的到。不過上網找的話,有其他品牌的產品可以從本身的網頁或線上的亞馬遜 (Amazon.com) 訂購。有興趣的朋友可以試試囉。

        最後收尾的部分 我記得捕夢網內圈結法到最後是會讓中間的空間越來越小,形狀也越來越圓。最後是用別針輔助把線拉緊後打小結,在修剪掉多餘的線材。如果線材夠多,那可以把結打在正中間。只是當初我想讓內網和外環有對稱輔助的視覺效果,而選擇做這樣的小圓當收尾。

        也謝謝妳的詢問,上面介紹的過程也是我第一次的捕夢網 DIY 製作,完全是業餘的囉。不知道原來也有老師在教這工藝,真不錯 : )

  4. 在哪裡可以買到啊~

